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Zhaolin Wang

Postdoctoral Researcher

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Queen Mary University of London

Email: zhaolin.wang@qmul.ac.uk

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Short Bio

I received the first B.Eng. degree from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, the second B.Eng. degree (Hons.) from the Queen Mary University of London, U.K., in 2020, the M.Sc. degree (Distinction) from Imperial College London, U.K., in 2021, and the Ph.D. degree with the Queen Mary University of London in 2024, advised by Dr. Yuanwei Liu. My current research interests include near-field communications, integrated sensing and communications, wideband systems, and optimization theory.


[2024-08] I pass my PhD viva with minor corrections. Many thanks to both examiners Prof. Wei Liu and Prof. Michalis Matthaiou.
[2024-06] I am awarded Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters [Certificate].
[2023-10] I am awarded the 2023 IEEE Daniel E. Noble Fellowship Award [Certificate].
[2022-11] I am awarded the Student Travel Grant of IEEE GLOBECOM 2022 [Certificate].
[2022-09] We are awarded the Best Student Paper of IEEE VTC2022-Fall [Certificate].
[2022-04] I am awarded the Student Travel Grant of IEEE ICC 2022 [Certificate].
[2021-11] I am awarded M.Sc. degree with Distinction from Imperial College London [Certificate].
[2021-09] I join Communication Systems Research Group at QMUL as a PhD student.
[2021-08] I am awarded EECS Fee Waiver from Queen Mary University of London.
[2020-07] I am awarded B.Eng. degree with First Class Honours from QMUL and BUPT.
[2020-06] I am awarded the Undergraduate College Prize of Queen Mary University of London.
[2020-06] I am awarded the Outstanding Graduate of Beijing.
[2020-06] I am awarded the Outstanding Final Project of BUPT.